Thursday, August 26, 2010

Heehee I gots 2 minions!

Why, thank you, friends!  I am so happy that people want to read what I write!  You two people are the best!  And, since you don't know each other yet, Jessica, Will.  Will, Jessica.  I know you two have heard a lot about each other.

Tonight was a good night for me.  After I made this blog and played with my magnety balls, I went to pizza with my dad and then we watched Airplane!, which I had never seen before.  It was really funny.  That's pretty much all...  My toe still hurts.  I wonder if I got bit by something?  If I did, it's in too hard of a place for me to look at.  I'm sure it'll feel better in the morning.

Now, I'm sure you are all tired of hearing me talk about my toe, so here.  You can look at some pictures of the awesome things I've been making with my magnety balls!

I made this tonight.  It was awesome!  It was all 3-D and stuff.
I made this yesterday.  It's a goblet! ^_^
Alright, time to get ready for bed.  I've got work in the morning.  Don't take any wooden nickels!

Is this it? Am I doing it?

Whee, there is a blog here!  I guess it's time to post what's on my mind now... My current thoughts are as follows:

Thought 1) Everyone else gets a blog!  Why don't I get a blog?  I want a blog!

Thought 2) Yay!  I have a blog!  Consider Thought 1 moot.

Thought 3) What is going on with this enter button?  I don't think this blog works well...

Thought 4) My toe hurts, like I have a splinter or something.  Ow ow ow.  But it started when I got out of my shower and stepped onto the laminate floor, so where would I have gotten a splinter from?

Thought 5) I wanna play with my magnety balls.  I bought some the other day.  They are fun.  I can make shapes.

Boy, are my thoughts boring.  Oh, well, I guess for a first post it's not so bad.  I guess I'll play around with this a little and post something actually worth reading later.  See ya, peeps.